Roots in your drain? Don’t go insane. We are here to help. Whatever your problem may be we have a quick, cost effective solution. Utilizing the most modern equipment and techniques. We can restore your failing plumbing and drain systems. Utilizing no dig technology. To install new pipe/ sewer liner through you existing failing system. Revitalizing them for a minimum of 50 years. To prevent root intrusion , collapsing of old clay tile and costly backups. Not only is sewer relining much cheaper, faster and Far less intrusive than open cut/ dig replacement. It is also eco friendly.

  • Once your old drains are relined.
  • The cracks and joints that were leaking sewage into the ground become sealed off, protecting ground/ drinking water, this is known as exfiltration.
  • Once the liner is installed it also prevents ground water from leaching into your drainage system which is known as infiltration.
  • Saving municipalities from unnecessarily treating groundwater.
  • Which saves resources and tax money.
  • A savings that is ultimately seen by the taxpayer.


If you are tired of backups, being gouged for drain cleaning or simply looking to upgrade your drainage system before it fails. Sewer re-lining is your best solution.
Relining is often cheaper than the price of restoration required after a dig. Never mind the high dig price itself.

Relining is often completed in 2-6 hours depending on the size and length of the drain. Allowing for same day use of your plumbing system. Minimum disruption, inconvenience to your busy life. Many municipalities offer grants to assist homeowners in upgrading their drainage systems.

Halton region offers qualified homeowners up to $2000. The City of Hamilton offers up to $3000 to assist qualified homeowners to upgrade their existing drainage system. Through the city of Hamiltons SLMP (Sewer lateral management program).Hamilton Sewer and Water Service is an approved re-line contractor and has actively participated in the program for many years. Providing solutions and relief to many customers.


If there is a city tree causing damage to your drainage system. You could qualify for grants that can assist and in some cases cover the restoration of your drainage system. We handle all paperwork to assist you in accessing grants. As well as apply for all necessary permits and coordinate city inspector to ease the burden on our customers.

We also have the capability to reline the municipal side of your sewer lateral and bill the city direct for the work from property line to mainline sewer. A home/ property owner is responsible for the foundation wall to the property line. Sewer relining/ curried in place pipe is a PERMANENT SOLUTION. The first step to relining is to clean and inspect sewer lateral/ drain. Once clean we custom build a felt sewer liner to fit the size and length of the drain to be repaired. We then mix a 2 part epoxy that turns into plastic and impregnates resin into the custom-built liner. We then force liner into your existing drain utilizing your existing cleanout. Once the liner is in place. We cure the resin. Leaving a solid, rigid one-piece pipe running through your existing system. The liner has been manufactured and passed testing to last minimum of 50 years by the supplier. The liner reduces the size of the existing drain by 5% but increases flow by 40% on average. Due to liner being much smoother than existing abrasive cast iron, clay, concrete or transit Pipe

If you are tired of having problems? Or curious of the existing condition of your drainage system. Please contact us at your earliest convenience. We also do small spot repairs and can disconnect/ abandon existing sewer laterals utilizing no-dig technologies.